“Event” means an entertainment event including, without limitation, a concert, exhibition, sports, theatrical and/or music event to be held at a Venue in respect of which We have the right to sell You Tickets.

“Tickets” means tickets or other types of evidence (including electronic tickets) for an Event sold by Us to You on behalf of the organisation responsible for the Event for the right to occupy space at or to attend an Event.

“Booking / Order” means the booking for tickets you made with Us.

“Venue” means any facilities or locations of any nature where the Event is being held.

“We” means PNP Events Ltd hosting THE POLAR EXPRESS Train Ride. PNP Events who operate the event, at and on behalf of South Devon Railway. PNP Events registered offices are at PNP Events, J12 Halesfield 19, Telford

“Us” and “Our” shall be read accordingly.

“You” means you or anybody who in Our reasonable opinion is acting with your authority or permission.

“Your” shall be read accordingly.

“Promoter” means PNP Events Ltd hosting THE POLAR EXPRESS Train Ride.

“Group” means group organisers, charities, travel and coach companies or other organisations that we have agreed to sell to knowing that the Tickets are intended for resale.

“Etix” means our ticketing partner / provider.

“Experience” / “Event” THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride experience.


These Terms and Conditions incorporate, and should be read in accordance with, the Venue and/or Promoter terms, conditions and regulations, copies of which are available upon request from the Venue. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms in relation to Venue or Promoter requirements, those of the Promoter shall prevail. If no Promoter, those of the Venue shall prevail.


All Tickets are sold subject to availability and to these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions should be read carefully prior to purchase and any queries relating to them should be raised with us prior to purchase, as purchase of Tickets constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. A valid Ticket must be produced to get into an Event. Removing any part of, altering or defacing the Ticket may invalidate Your Ticket.

It is Your responsibility to check Your Booking & Tickets as if you have made a mistake it cannot always be rectified after purchase. Please check your Booking & Tickets on receipt carefully and contact us immediately if there is a mistake.

Where a concession is claimed, proof of identity and concession entitlement (for example, a carer’s discount)  may be required.

We will not be obliged to allow any child less than 18 years of age on board the Experience unless that child is accompanied by a responsible person aged 18 or over. ALL children must be sat next to an adult.Unaccompanied children under the age of 18 will not be allowed to board. You may be asked to present valid proof of age prior to boarding the Experience.

We reserve the right to cancel any bookings made, with no notice, where a child is sat unaccompanied.

We deem an unaccompanied child where there is no accompanying  adult sat at the same table with them.

Children over the age of 17 must purchase an adult ticket. If you are unable to produce valid proof of age when asked to do so, you may be refused travel on board the Experience.

Ownership or possession of a Ticket does not confer any rights (by implication or otherwise) on You to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectual property appearing on the Ticket.


Once you have made your booking with us this will be confirmed by email. At a later stage We will allocate your seats. Seating is based on 4 around a table and You will allocated in such a way to maximise the number of passengers we can accommodate per carriage. 

We reserve the right to change the carriage and therefore seating layout with no prior notice should we need to for operational purposes.


Whilst you are able to choose your own seating at the time of booking, we reserve the right to change these at any point without prior notice.


The price of the Ticket shall be the price set at the time We accept Your order. All prices set are inclusive of any applicable taxes and booking fees but exclusive of delivery fees where applicable. No order will be accepted until an order confirmation email is sent to You from our ticketing partner Etix. Our prices may change at any time, but price changes will not affect Orders that We have confirmed with you.


All tickets are sent via email, approximately 1 week prior to Your experience day, to the billing email address used when making the booking. E-tickets are sent from Etix.com.


We reserve the right to make alterations to the published Event programme where reasonably necessary.

Whilst We attempt to run the event as close to THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride experience as possible we may need, at short notice, to make operational changes to enable the event to continue to run – this may include substituting the Steam Engine for a Diesel Locomotive / running a static train or running a reduced show. This could include but is not limited to, alternative sounds, lighting and acting performance.

We may have to suspend the Experience if We need to deal with technical or mechanical problems, or to make improvements to the Experience. We will make a reasonable effort to contact you to let you know in advance where this occurs, unless the problem is urgent or an emergency. You may be eligible for a refund while it is suspended under this clause if We are unable to offer an alternative date. 

You will be elligle for a refund for the Experience while it is suspended under this clause.



We are unable to offer any cancellations, refunds, or reschedules therefore please be sure you can attend on the dates/times selected when you book. The train can depart in rain and snow. In the unfortunate event the train is unable to operate, you will be notified as soon as possible and given a refund of your Tickets or, if possible, the opportunity to reschedule.

As the event takes place in winter, please plan appropriately for the road conditions. Remember, this is England and the weather can vary dramatically, however, this event is not affected by the weather and will run no matter the weather conditions even in rain and snow. PNP Events is not liable for any road closures or delays.

You are only liable for a refund should We fail to run the event. There will be NO refunds for guests arriving late due to, but not limited to, poor weather, vehicle breakdowns, public transport, acts of god and anything covered in the Events Outside Our Control.

Booking fees and Ticket Protection are not refundable in any circumstance.

There is a £20 fee for any changes to the order (Including but not limited to Name, Address, Date, Time etc) up to 60 days before your event date and time.

If you sell your tickets to a third party, the £20 admin charge needs to be paid by You to change the name and address.

There will be NO changes to any tickets within  30 days of Your event date and time.

If you decide to cancel your order for any reason the following charges apply. We will take extenuating circumstances into account.

Before 60 days prior to Your event date and time – £20 charge

Between 60 days and 30 days prior to Your event date and time – 25% charge  of your entire booking.

Tickets cannot be resold, raffled or used for a competition without approval from Us. Any unapproved transactions may result in tickets being cancelled.

In order to request a refund or exchange please contact support@pnpevents.co.uk. Refunds shall only be made to the person who purchased the Tickets and, when possible, be made using the same payment method as was used to purchase the Tickets.

These Terms and Conditions do not and shall not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. For further information about your statutory rights contact Citizens Advice, Consumer Direct (http://www.consumerdirect.gov.uk/) or the Department for Business  Innovation and Skills.


We may cancel the contract for the Experience at any time as a result of an Event Outside Our Control. We will either, at Our sole discretion, provide an alternative date for the Experience or, if this is not possible, refund these paid amounts to you.

We may cancel the contract for the Experience at any time by providing you with at least 14 calendar days’ notice in writing. (This excludes reasons that are under Events outside of our control (section 10) or Seating layout (section 3.1).) If you have made any payment in advance for the Experience that has not been provided to you, We will either, at Our sole discretion, provide an alternative date for the Experience or, if this is not possible, refund these paid amounts to you.

We may cancel the contract for the Experience at any time with immediate effect by giving you written notice, if you break the contract in any material way and you do not correct or fix the situation within 10 days of Us asking you to do so in writing. If you break the contract, no refund will be payable and We will not be obliged to provide you with an alternative date for the Experience.


Personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to the Event which have been arranged by You are at your own risk. Liability for the cancellation or rescheduling of an Event, or for material changes to an Event, will be limited to the refund as set forth in Section 7.

We will not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage of Your personal belongings.


It is Your responsibility to ascertain whether an Event has been cancelled or re-scheduled and the date and time of any re-scheduled Event. Where an Event is cancelled or re-scheduled, We will use Our reasonable endeavours to notify You using the details You provided Us with at the time of ordering. We  do not guarantee that You will be informed of such cancellation before the date of the Event.

It is Your responsibility to inform Us of any change to the contact address, telephone number or email address You provide Us with at the time of ordering.

No guarantees can be given that the Event will take place at a particular time or on a particular date. We reserve the right to reschedule any such Event without notice and without any liability whatsoever.


We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of Our obligations under these Conditions that is caused by an Event outside Our control.

An Event outside Our control means any act or event beyond Our reasonable control, including but not limited to: strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties; civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack; war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion; storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster; failure of public or private telecommunications networks. 

If an Event outside Our control takes place that affects the performance these are our obligations:

We will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you; and attempt to reschedule the event on a best endeavours basis. In the case of an event outside of our control, we do not guarantee the event will run, nor do we guarantee to make any refunds. We reserve the right to offer you alternative dates.

In these circumstances refunds or exchanges may take up to 90 days to process and booking fees and ticket protection will not be refunded.


We will not be obliged to allow any child less than 18 years of age on board the Experience unless that child is accompanied by a responsible person aged 18 or over. ALL children must be sat next to an adult. Unaccompanied children under the age of 18 will not be allowed to board. You may be asked to present valid proof of age prior to boarding the Experience.

Children over the age of 17 must purchase an adult ticket. If you are unable to produce valid proof of age when asked to do so, you may be refused travel on board the Experience.

We reserve the right to cancel any bookings made, with no notice, where a child is sat unaccompanied.

We deem an unaccompanied child where there is no accompanying adult sat at the same table with them.  


You MUST arrive at the event no later than the arrival time provided with your e-tickets. Arriving later than this time will forfeit Your access to the experience. We do not have spare seats available and are NOT obliged to refund or transfer tickets to another date / time if You arrive at the venue late.

We wish to make the Experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for all of Our guests. Therefore, We ask that you (and any children under your control) to :

  • behave in a reasonable and lawful manner at all times during the Experience;
  • comply with any reasonable request from a member of Our staff
  • be considerate when using mobile phones.

You agree that you shall NOT

  • be abusive or threatening to any of Our staff or any other person
  • conduct yourself in a way which may endanger yourself, the carriage or any person or property on board
  • obstruct any member of Our staff in the performance of their duties or fail to comply with their reasonable instructions
  • behave in a manner which causes discomfort, inconvenience, damage or injury to other persons obstruct or allow any of your belongings to obstruct any aisle or emergency exit
  • play any music players, musical instruments or electronic devices, that are audible and distracting or annoying to any person, or which interfere with, or render less audible, any public address system or other equipment
  • take on board the carriage, any alcoholic drinks or drugs (other than medicines) for the purpose of consuming during the Experience
  • bring a dog or any other animal on board the Experience. However, we do allow trained assistance dogs on board the Experience
  • board the carriage whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • smoke (including electronic cigarettes) on board the carriage and anywhere at the event.

If you fail to comply with the above, We shall be entitled to remove you from the event, refuse you further use of the Event, cancel your ticket without refund, and take any further steps as We may deem necessary in the circumstances. If We consider it necessary, we will contact the Police or other relevant security service. We reserve the right to refuse admission to the Experience, either on a one-off or permanent basis, to anyone We consider a nuisance or danger to Our passengers or Our staff.

We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that other passengers behave appropriately during the Experience, however, We will not be liable for any act or omission of any other passenger during the Experience.

You are responsible and liable for any passenger under the age of 18 who accompanies you.


We reserve the right to refuse certain items to be taken into the experience.

Larger items including wheelchairs, pushchairs and car seats cannot be carried onto the train or carriages. They must be left at the station.

All property and belongings are the responsibility of the owner and We accept NO responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings on board or left at the station.

We shall be entitled to inspect all luggage and property, for the purpose of the security and safety of our staff and our customers.

If we find any luggage we are entitled to open/examine it to ensure it is safe to store. Anything we deem hazardous, dangerous or perishable or otherwise unsuitable for storage shall be disposed of within 48 hours of our receiving or finding of the items.

Should We find any items that We deem inappropriate, (eg. Alcoholic beverages) We reserve the right to confiscate these items.

If You have lost any property, please make Us aware as soon as possible. We will take reasonable care of the items should we locate them.

If We find any of your property, We will store it, at your risk, at such a location as We deem appropriate.

If You have not claimed your property within 1 month of our receiving or finding it we may dispose of it as we wish.

Any costs incurred to return Your items to You will be charged to You.


During the event we may take photos or video of you to be used for marketing purposes in print, online, broadcasting and radio. Should you NOT wish  to take part please see a member of staff or contact us. You may request for us to remove your image at any time and we will comply where possible.


We will use the personal information you provide to Us to:

  • provide the Experience
  • process your payment for the Experience

By entering into this agreement, you agree to us and our ticket provider ETIX.com using cookies and storing cookies.


If any dispute arises out of these Terms and Conditions, We will attempt to settle it. To this end We shall use Our reasonable endeavours to consult or negotiate in good faith, and attempt to reach a just and equitable settlement satisfactory to both parties. If you wish to make a complaint please email us at support@pnpevents.co.uk We will aim to respond within 14 working days however, full resolution may take up to 90 days should further investigation be needed.


If We delay or fail to enforce any of these Terms and Conditions It shall not mean that We have waived our right to do so.


We shall be entitled to assign any of Our rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions provided that Your rights are not adversely affected.


If it is found by a Court that any of these Terms and Conditions for any reason cannot be enforced, this shall not prevent the other provisions from continuing to apply.


We intend to rely on the written terms set out here in this document as well as the written terms and conditions of the Venue and the Promoter. You should read the terms and conditions carefully before entering into the contract to ensure that they contain everything that You consider has been agreed. If they do not then you should speak to any member of staff. After the contract has been made, these Terms and Conditions cannot be varied or amended in any respect unless both You and We agree and it is preferable that this is in writing).